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Henan Civil Architecture Society to carry out the "July 1" theme Party day activities

Release time: 2024-07-02Author: Henan Civil Architecture Society

On July 1, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Henan Civil Architecture Society carried out activities to welcome the "July 1" theme Party Day。   


Learn every Communist to stand in front of the party flag,Deputy Party secretary and Secretary-General Wang Aiju solemnly raised his right hand,Lead Party members to renew their vows to join the Party,Every Party member and cadre is required to be loyal to the Party,We will vigorously promote the great spirit of Party building,Do not forget the original intention, remember the mission,Then he studied Chapter 6 of Title II of the Regulations on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China,Combine with the current party discipline study and education,The branch will continue to earnestly study and implement the Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China,Party history study and education should be carried out on a regular basis。


Subsequently, Party Secretary and Chairman Wang Zhaodong reviewed the glorious course of the struggle of the Communist Party of China,Teach every party member, cadre and masses present here to take history as a mirror,We must uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and the General Secretary,Every party member should start with himself,We must have a sense of organization and discipline,We will promote the high-quality development of our cause with the high-quality development of the Party,Support the high-quality development of the Party with high-quality development,Finally, build a strong party organization and a team of party members with combat effectiveness,Make the industry full of vitality;We must have a sense of organization and discipline,Only obey the management and leadership of the Party organization,In order to make due contributions to the progress of civil construction technology and the development and improvement of the industry!

Participants have said that through this activity, not only to strengthen the exchange and learning, improve the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party members, but also to point out the direction for the future development of the society。Let us wish the great Communist Party of China eternal youth and vitality, and wish the great Chinese nation more prosperity!

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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